Global Education plus Business

Real Project based Development

About Us

Business and Professional Institution International is an education arm of BPII Group and its eConsortium @ Qcircle. It is a cooperative learning Academy for applied business and professional development. We generate ideas and create values in the digital economy.  Our mission is to provide innovation spaces for the creation of new job and business worldwide. All successful participants will be awarded with an appropriate competency based credential and eCommerce Consortium Plan as reward

Program Features

A unique Education + Business Development Paradigm for entrepreneurs and professionals to be strategically transformed in today’s digital world.  A venue for cooperative learning and innovation. As a value add-on, all programs are accredited for participation at the eConsortium @ Qcircle. Complimentary Starters Plus Plan for all enrolled participants to explore the diverse opportunities and to find their own fit at its built knowledge ecosystem

Impact | Innovative | IT Integrated

Mode of Delivery

  • Mentoring Partnership
  • Self-directed Achievement Plan
  • Choice project development and implementation

Cooperative Learning and E + B Collaboration

Global Education plus Business

Value Add-on. All participants will be registered as a Qualified Client User @ Qcircle on enrolment and rewarded with an appropriate upgrade of a eCommerce Consortium Plan for self-actualisation of returns on completion

E + B Globalisation Programs

IT Solution and Gateway Programs

Strategic Digitalisation and Venture Building
Enterprise Transformation

Entrepreneurial Leadership


Digital-led Entrepreneurial Leadership

Strategic Innovation and Development in the Digital World with eAwards

Internship and Practicum

Mentoring Partnership Program

Practice based E+B innovation. Real project development and implementation. Choice eLITE | IEI Modules