Internship and Practicum

Real or Virtual Project based Applied Development

The Mentorship Program

Mentoring Partnership for Digital Growth.

The Mentorship Program  – What is Mentoring Partnership?
Co-operative Learning and Collaborative Development

For who ? : All who are keen to explore new opportunities in the era of the digital age.

Program : Self directing Learning : Innovate and Create. The way forward.

Enrollment : On enrollment, all participants will be given a complimentary one year EIM Starters Plan to explore the eConsortium to advance themselves. Submit your interest with us now.

Outcome : Formulation of Self Development Plan.  Affiliate @ Qcircle for all qualified participants on completion of workshop session.

Register your interest for
the next online session to know more

Practicum and Internship Program

For Who ?

All professionals, education and business service providers who are desirous to be part of the Knowledge Ecosystem.  All Mentors and Mentees are partners in the ecosystem for growth together.  Here members can network for practical support or team up with fellow members for completion of inter-disciplinary project.

A competency based project.  Select a Mentoring Partnership Package that suits your development need.

Choice of IEI Modules

Practice based innovation and development Mentee-Mentor Alliance. A ePartnership Award Program

Choice of eLITE Mentorship Pack

Project based development by Mentor-Mentee Alliance. Qcircle eAwards