BPII The Business and Professional Development Academy

BPII Learning Paradigm

A unique Education + Business Development Paradigm for entrepreneurs and professionals to be strategically transformed in today’s digital world.  A venue for cooperative learning and innovation. As a value add-on, all programs are accredited for participation at the eConsortium @ Qcircle. Complimentary Starters Plus Plan for all enrolled participants to explore the diverse opportunities and to find their own fit at its built knowledge ecosystem

The eConsortium @ Qcircle is a strategically built platform for shared value pursuits and ecommerce exchanges.

As a trusted eConsortium Ecosystem, it requires prequalification to partake in its system for growth. Participation is by succesful completion of a choice of digital Induction Program and subscription to a Consortium Plan. The Plan awards privileges and financial rewards.

Awards and Rewards

Education plus Business Awards. All participants will be awarded with an appropriate competency based credential and eCommerce Consortium Plan as reward on completion of program

Main Policy Statement

The eConsortium @ Qcircle

Qcircle is a unique ecommerce enabled Consortium in today’s digital driven economies. It hosts a diverse pool of education, business and professional service providers and owners for intra-ecommerce development and global outreach. It features an integrated education and business (“E+B”) development paradigm for regeneration of ideas and creation of new jobs and businesses or strategic enhancement of existing enterprises among networked participants.

Under the Qcircle Innovators Portal, participants are digitally connected to the eConsortium with one of its knowledge domains for co-identification and be recoginised as a valued stakeholder at Qcircle eConsortium.

eConsortium Ecosystem of Growth

Participants can create their own digital value chain by domain brand affiliation based on their core competencies and specialisation at the eConsortium. It is a unique integration to the eConsortium Partnership.

Qcircle is a trusted eConsortium for business and digital development. With its integrated value chains, all services, programs and applications are conducted by all its stakeholders of different competency and interest under the aegis of a unified eConsortium Ecosystem. Here, ePartners help one another to enhance each other performance.

Credential and Privileges

All eConsortium Partners are empowered by Qcircle and its growth paradigm in their development process. In reciprocity, they promote Qcircle and its branded products and applications as value added services in the delivery of their core professional services or businesses. Task capabilities and role responsibilities are allocated based on their competencies and selected Consortium Financial Plan.

All ePartners are business owners themselves. They are Qcircle distinguished knowledge developers, educators, innovators and or service providers. They poccess their own competencies and field of specialisation. They act independently as a recognised Qcircle Advisor and Consultant, Certified Professional and Specialist; Educator and Mentor; Service Provider / Consultant; Corporate and Business Owner; or as appointed Specialty or Regional Host.

Partnership | Consortium Plan

Participation is by subscription of a Consortium Plan. The Plan allocates Privileges and Reward. eConsortium Partners are ecommerce enabled and connected by a set of Enterprise Brand to create a mega integrated value chains for shared digitalisation growth together

All course participants are eligible to be digitally linked with a specialty domain and eConsortium Plan to advance themselves in the eConsortium