Globalisation Programs

Education + Business Development

Digital Globalisation Workshop


Digital Induction Session

An introductory event to Digital Globalisation Program
Education + Business Innovation. Building and Development Opportunities in the digital world

For who ? : All who are keen to know more about new opportunities in the era of the digital age.

Program : Tour the world of digital opportunities

Process : On enrolment, all participants will be given a complimentary one year EIM Starters Plan to explore the learning pathway to advance themselves.

Outcome : Affiliate @ Qcircle Award for all qualified participants on completion of forum session.

Register your interest for
the next online session

Featured Digital Globalisation Programs


All programs are organised and delivered by our Partner in Education. Partner Service Providers can submit their programs for accreditation and delivery here.
New participants will be provided with a one year complimentary Starters Learners Plan to chart their progression. Select the program that suits your development need.

Mentor-Mentee Alliance is adopted to achieve your desired outcome.

Digital Enterprise Building and Development

Project based Enterprise Start up or Scale up

Strategic Globalisation

Digital Enterprise Brands and Franchises

Digital Entrepreneurship

Digital up. Directed Transformational development

Digital Accelerator Program

Enterprise Transformation with Business IT Solutions