Digital Enterprise Development Workshop


An introductory event to Digital Enterprise Development Program.

For who ? : All who are keen to know more about new opportunities in the era of the digital age.

Program : Tour the world of digital opportunities

Process : On enrolment, all participants will be given a complimentary one year EIM Starters Plan to explore the learning pathway to advance themselves.

Outcome : Affiliate @ Qcircle Award for all qualified participants on completion of forum session.

Enhancing Business Opportunities in the digital world

Digital Enterprises. Today’s Businesses
The focus is to explore opportunities and the creation of new businesses and marketplaces in the digital world

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the next online session

Digital Enterprise Building and Development Program

Enterpprse Building in the Digital Economy

Digital Transformation | Start up or Scale up Program

Enterprise Brand | Franchise Application Program

Enterprise Brand Application

eBrand Affiliation and Franchises | Ready Business and Markeplaces